Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Power of Prayer

Over the past three or so weeks leading up to the start of the Gospel Project,  we have gone over how we are in need of a change:  A change in mindset, a change in heart, and a change in our actions towards others (full transformation).  We want this for ourselves and for the family growth in this class.   I wanted to end off these weeks with a sort of back to basics and I decided to do a lesson on prayer. 

As I prepared this study, I was impressed more and more about how prayer is centered on relationships.  Just like in any other relationship (marriage, kids, friends, family).  if we don't communicate, the relationship is strained.  When we don't communicate with God, our relationship with Him is strained.  

God truly does answer and listen to our prayers.

Matthew 7:7  Ask, and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and  it will be opened to you.

Self study Questions:
1. How large a percentage of your prayer time is spent asking God for a better job, a better home, food, clothes and other necessities
2. Do you pray mostly out of a sense of obligation? Is prayer boring to you? Is it more of a duty than a pleasure?
3. When you either sit and brood in His presence, or you rush off to phone a friend to try to find help, what do you imagine that must do to God's heart?
4. When you're sad, downcast, heavy-hearted, confused, to whom do you run in such times? Whose company do you prefer then?
5. What is that the end-purpose of prayer?
6. What exactly do you get from your time of prayer, if it isn't something that could see you through the battle?
7. How do you react when your circumstances begin to fall in on you? Do you collapse after only a short while
8. Do you love to be with Jesus? Do you prefer Him above all others? Does your heart cry out, "Jesus, You're my everything. You are my hearts great pleasure - and I love Your company"?

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